Created in God's Image

Recently I was able to spend a few days in a different setting than my home. I was at a beach, looking at the ocean. The vastness of the ocean caused me to be aware and in awe of our creator. Looking at starfish on the beach and thinking of the many sea creatures - like the sea horse! (They fascinate me) What was God thinking? Obviously not a question with an answer. Who God He is…is beyond comprehension. And yet, He created us in His image so we can have fellowship with Him! If I spend much time thinking about that, I am overwhelmed. I can’t wrap my mind around God loving me enough to first, create me, and then wanting me in heaven forever to be with Him. Genesis 1:27 NKJ “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” I believe, because He created us in His image and likeness, we have intrinsic worth ...