Greetings, Control, or lack of it seems an appropriate topic this week. Having surgery and not feeling my normal self, plus loosing use of my left arm, has left me feeling out of control. As my husband would tell you, I like to be in control. I know where things go and I know how I like them done. I think most of us are like that to some extent. Having to rely on others is very humbling. Who do we let control our lives? Do we give control to God or do we try to manipulate and change circumstances to meet our expectations? Prov. 19.21 says: “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel – that will stand.” Once we realize that God is sovereign, that He is in control of every thing, we have the assurance that He is on our side. We can have peace even when things in our personal life or in our world seem out of control. Lamentations 3:37 NLT “Who can command these things to happen without the Lord’s permission?”...