Being Kind
Isaiah 28:26 “For He instructs him in right judgment, His God teaches him”.
Judgment, according to the dictionary definition, is a position or opinion reached after consideration. A personal belief or thought that is not founded on proof or certainty; “my opinion differs from yours”
Early in my Christian walk I was guilty of judging others. I judged their lifestyle, how they worshiped, if other believers accepted my place of worship. As I grew and had more life experiences, I realized how deadly this sin could be. I ultimately read Luke 6:37a NKJV “Judge not, and you shall not be judged” there is more to that scripture but just that part initially resonated with me. I did not want others judging my opinions, my actions or the actions of my family. I try very hard now, not to judge others and exercise love and mercy more. Sadly, I don’t always succeed.
Judgment is always a temptation. Currently though, it seems we have more issues than ever to judge people on.
Today, I’m thinking of Covid 19 and our state mandates. The mask state mandate affects us all. Everyone has a different opinion based on their own research or just the media data we are listening to. Ultimately it is a personal decision, but in certain places we must follow our state guidelines and mandates.
I am writing about this is to remind others and myself that we should not be judging others about their beliefs as it relates to masks and social distancing (or anything else for that matter). Disagreeing and judging others about their different opinion only brings division. I want to freely accept and love others in a way "I" want to be loved and accepted. Amazingly, (to me) “my” opinion is not always the correct one, but it is still “my” opinion. I’m entitled to it as long as I don’t verbally abuse others for their opinion.
So…, this is NOT a judgment on anyone. I hope we can all respect each other and our beliefs. James 2:13 NKJV “for judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment”
Covid 19 has lasted longer than I ever imagined and I suspect it will continue to affect our lives long into the future.

I love and respect you all even when we don’t agree. May God richly Bless each one of you.
Stay well, Stay safe,
️ ❤️ Sharon Charvet
Women's Ministry Leader
Foothills Foursquare Church
Monroe, Washington
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