Trust The Lord
May 8, 2020
This is such a hard time for all of us to be separated that I hope to bring some encouragement to you on a more frequent basis by sending out emails.
Today, I want to say how much you are all missed by me and I believe all women of Foothills. I believe God made us women to be social and to rely on each other for fellowship. This is so true when I look at our Bible Study, that has been such a blessing.
I read this recently and I want to share it with you:
“The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Psalm 118:6 NLT
I want to believe this, I try to believe it. During this time of separation and uncertainty, we can get frightened or overwhelmed by our circumstances. I can forget Who is for me (us)
The Maker of Heaven and Earth is for us. ~ Psalm 146:6
The King of Glory is for us. ~ Psalm 24:8
The Sovereign Lord is for us. ~ Psalm 68:19-20
The Creator of the universe is for us. ~ Genesis 1:1
Our Great God is for us. ~ Psalm 95:3
The Most High is for us. ~ Psalm 91:1
Our Compassionate Lord is for us. ~ Psalm 116:5
The Prince of Peace is for us. ~ Isaiah 9:6
The Healer is for us. ~ Psalm 147:3
Our Unchanging Father is for us. ~ James 1:17
The Promises Keeper is for us. ~ 2 Peter 3:9
The Ultimate Forgiver is for us. ~ 1 John 1:9
When we read God’s word we will be encouraged and filled with faith, not fear. Hope, not despair. I am challenging myself and you to find scriptures that uplift and speak to you about faith and hope.
Let me know how you are doing. I love you and care. You are all special to our body! REMEMBER THAT!
God Bless,
Women's Ministry Leader
Foothills Foursquare Church
Monroe, Washington